商品の説明 Reversible Logic Synthesis: From to QFundamentalsuantum Computing (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics. Prelim.Entry. 13, 13) 科学や工学の基礎から応用までを学べる書籍が豊富 英語版 可逆論理合成: QFundamentalsuantum コンピューティングへ (Advanced Microelectronics の Springer シリーズ。Prelim.Entry. 13、13) 定価¥ 17,206 発売日2003-08-15T00:00:01Z メーカーSpringer 450ページ 理論から実践、最新の技術まで、知識を深める内容 科学技術や工学に関する書籍を取り揃えています 人物Al-Rabadi, Anas N 専門家から学生まで幅広くご利用いただけます 関連情報 ASIN: 3540009353 JAN: 9783540009351 通常のユーズドのコンディションで大きな問題はありません。 For the first time in book form, this comprehensive and systematic monograph presents the methods for the reversible synthesis of logic functions and circuits. This methodology offers designers the capability to solve major problems in system design now and in the future, such as the high rate of power consumption, and the emergence of quantum effects for highly dense ICs. The challenge addressed here is to design reliable systems that consume as little power as possible and in which the signals are processed and transmitted at very high speeds with very high signal integrity. Researchers in … 商品の情報 カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 科学・工学商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都
Reversible Logic Synthesis: From to QFundamentalsuantum Computing (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics. Prelim.Entry. 13, 13)
可逆論理合成: QFundamentalsuantum コンピューティングへ (Advanced Microelectronics の Springer シリーズ。Prelim.Entry. 13、13)
定価¥ 17,206
人物Al-Rabadi, Anas N
ASIN: 3540009353
JAN: 9783540009351
For the first time in book form, this comprehensive and systematic monograph presents the methods for the reversible synthesis of logic functions and circuits. This methodology offers designers the capability to solve major problems in system design now and in the future, such as the high rate of power consumption, and the emergence of quantum effects for highly dense ICs. The challenge addressed here is to design reliable systems that consume as little power as possible and in which the signals are processed and transmitted at very high speeds with very high signal integrity. Researchers in …
カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 科学・工学商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都