商品の説明 高画質な写真と動画を撮影できる最新のデジタルカメラ Price was reduced several times so this is the final price. Thanks. Panasonic S1R - international version with multiple language support including English and Japanese! Leica SL mount. Shutter count is 2873. Wi-FiやBluetooth機能搭載で、すぐにシェア可能 高品質な写真を撮影するデジタルカメラ This camera has IBIS and is the sister to the Leica SL2 camera. Two original Panasonic batteries 1 original external charger LCD is covered with protective film. 初心者からプロまで満足できる性能を備えています Clean sensor. I use this with manual vintage lenses usually and have also used an AF lens on it in the past as well. No problems in the camera whatsoever. その他特徴···バッテリー付き,充電器付き 商品の情報 カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > デジタルカメラ > ミラーレス一眼ブランドパナソニック商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域千葉県
Price was reduced several times so this is the final price. Thanks.
Panasonic S1R - international version with multiple language support including English and Japanese!
Leica SL mount.
Shutter count is 2873.
This camera has IBIS and is the sister to the Leica SL2 camera.
Two original Panasonic batteries
1 original external charger
LCD is covered with protective film.
Clean sensor. I use this with manual vintage lenses usually and have also used an AF lens on it in the past as well.
No problems in the camera whatsoever.
カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > デジタルカメラ > ミラーレス一眼ブランドパナソニック商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域千葉県